M&B Magazine: 2020, Issue 4: Massage & Bodywork Magazine July-August 2020

Magazine Authors

Massage & Bodywork magazine promotes professionalism among practitioners and stimulates healthy dialogue about the field, while remaining mindful of the breadth of bodywork backgrounds, beliefs, and modalities. In this issue, learn about scar tissue and the impact your work can have on old wounds, COVID-19-related coagulopathy and how you may need to adapt your work with clients, the importance of talking about professional failures, and how to deliver contactless payments for your clients. Additional content includes a conversation on science, pseudoscience, and communication, as well as using bones as levers, chondromalacia, and intakes, informed consent, and treatment notes.

The July/August 2020 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine features contributions from various authors including Laura Allen, Lisa Bakewell, Christy Cael, Lauren Cal Cates, Sasha Chaitow, Cyndi Dale, Erik Dalton, Allison Denney, Irene Diamond, Allissa Haines, Whitney Lowe, Til Luchau, Douglas Nelson, Heath and Nicole Reed, Michael Reynolds, Catherine Ryan, Robyn Scherr, Ruth Werner, and Cindy Williams.

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Magazine Authors

The award-winning Massage & Bodywork magazine features contributions from multiple authors and leaders in the profession on a variety of topics aimed at enhancing the knowledge and success of massage and bodywork practitioners worldwide.   

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