Video Course: Mentally Healthy: Strategies for Massage Therapist Self-Care
Analisa Macias
Massage therapists must maintain the boundaries of a therapeutic relationship while providing nurturing care to clients. The stresses of a massage practice can take a toll on therapist emotions, mood, and energy levels, increasing the possibility of injury or burnout. In this course, psychotherapist Analisa Macias discusses the characteristics of good mental health and shares strategies massage therapists can use to handle their emotions effectively, feel more positive and energetic, boost mood, build resilience, and manage the stresses of a massage practice.
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Analisa Macias
At the juncture of Analisa Macias' undergraduate studies in molecular, cellular and developmental biology and her graduate training in transpersonal counseling psychology lies her work with mood, thought, and behavior. Combining the rigors of developmental theory with neurosomatic techniques, she works with anxiety and depression in individuals. Analisa has training and certifications in Gestalt Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and Brainspotting. She has taught human development at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as post-graduate trainings in how to use energy work in the process of psychotherapy. She currently teaches in-class seminars on understanding developmental trauma in the nervous system.
Topics and Techniques