Recent News and Legislative Updates

Criminal Penalties for Washington Massage and Reflexology Business Owners Who Allow Unlicensed Practice

Washington HB 1252, discussed in our last Washington legislative update, has been signed into law. Under the version of the bill that was passed, massage and reflexology business owners are now subject to criminal penalties for allowing unlicensed practice in their businesses. The law states that any person who, “with knowledge or criminal negligence,” allows the unlicensed practice of massage or reflexology in his or her massage or reflexology business is guilty of a m

Hawaii House Bill 1390 Failed in Legislature

Hawaii HB 1390, which proposed a new licensing categorization for massage therapists in the state, has failed in the state legislature. Specifically, the bill failed the “first crossover deadline,” which is the deadline by which a final vote must be taken in a bill's originating house to pass the bill on the third reading, thus enabling it to cross over to the non-originating house for consideration.
