Recent News and Legislative Updates

Governor Schwarzenegger to Consider AB 1822

For the last few months AB 1822 has been making its way through the legislative process. In its original form, the bill would have significantly gutted the authority of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) and the certification process enacted under SB 731 (Oropeza) in 2008. In its current form, the bill would provide both the California Police Chiefs Association and the California State Sheriffs’ Association with the ability to appoint a person to the CAMTC board of directors. The bill has passed the General Assembly.

New Continuing Education Requirements in NY

Governor David Paterson signed SB 5431 into law on August 30, 2010 after the bill was rushed through the legislature. The law will require massage therapists to complete 36 hours of continuing education during each triennial registration period. Of this, a maximum of twelve hours may be self-instruction. Licensees will have to complete a prorated number of continuing education requirements in the first triennial registration period. Licensees could be granted an exemption by the department for reasons of hardship or military service.

ABMP Opposes California AB 1822

For several months, ABMP has worked (primarily through its role in CAMTC) with the sponsor of California Assembly Bill 1822 to effect several changes that would make AB 1822 more logical and supportive of the massage therapy profession. Unfortunately, the sponsor has stripped out the constructive clean-up language agreed upon, leaving only provisions for two more CAMTC board seats for specified law enforcement organizations.

Delaware HB 463 Vetoed by Governor Markell

The Board of Massage and Bodywork currently issues licenses to massage and bodywork therapists and certificates to massage technicians. Delaware is the only state to have this two-tier system. Licensed therapists are required to complete at least 500 hours of education and pass a certification examination. Massage technicians are required to complete 300 hours of education and are not required to take an examination.

Delaware Bill Would Eliminate Certified Technician Tier

Delaware Governor Jack Markell is considering House Bill 463, a bill passed by the General Assembly and based on recommendations made by a committee of legislators, Joint Sunset Committee, and on the advice of the Board of Massage and Bodywork. HB 463 would phase out the two-tier licensure structure in Delaware. Sunset is the periodic legislative review of agencies, commissions or boards. The purpose of the review is to determine whether or not there is a genuine public need for the agency and, if so, determine if the agency is effectively performing to meet that need.

Amendments to California AB 1822 are Expected

California is in the process of redefining the regulation of massage therapy. It is considering AB 1822 which would, if passed, severely alter the regulatory powers of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC). AB 1822, heard by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 19, 2010, was referred to the suspense file until amendments to the bill could be made. ABMP expects the amendment to be drafted this week and for the Appropriations Committee to vote on Friday, May 28. Should the bill pass in committee, it will be referred to the Assembly Floor.

Wisconsin Governor Signs Law Requiring Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers to Become State Licensed

Under the current law, a person who is not certified as a massage therapist or bodyworker by the Department of Regulation and Licensing may not designate himself/herself as a massage therapist or bodyworker. The passage of AB 588 will make it mandatory for massage and bodywork therapists to be licensed by the state in order to practice, essentially changing the law from title protection to a mandatory practice act.
