Blog Posts

ExpectMore, With Les: For Hire—Times 38,000

I recently returned from the 2018 ISPA Conference & Expo in Phoenix, where I got the chance to talk about, and advocate on behalf of, our amazing members. My session was called “Recruiting, Hiring, and Supporting Massage Therapists,” and I can tell you there are plenty of people out there looking to do the first two of those three things. One statistic I heard at the conference is that there are an estimated 38,000 open jobs for massage therapists in the spa industry.

ABMP School Members Receive Special Benefit with COMTA-Endorsed Curriculum Program

ABMP and the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) kicked off an exclusive partnership at the 2018 ABMP School Forum, where COMTA Chair Cliff Korn and Executive Director Dawn Hogue awarded a COMTA-Endorsed Curriculum Program scholarship to ABMP Premier School Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute (SBBTI).


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