Do you believe in and see the benefits of massage therapy regulation? Without your support, the Alabama massage therapy profession is in danger of losing its regulatory board, which could result in inconsistent regulation or none at all. This could increase the administrative and financial burdens on Alabama massage therapists.
Call 334-242-7100 by May 17 to encourage Governor Kay Ivey to sign Senate Bill 137 to protect massage regulation.
Why Is This Happening?
The Alabama Board of Massage Therapy was up for sunset law in 2023. This means the current board and massage regulation will be terminated unless it is reapproved by the Alabama legislature or replaced. Senate Bill 137 (SB 137) seeks to replace rather than reapprove the board. This new massage board—the Alabama Massage Therapy Licensing Board—would ensure massage regulation is safeguarded in your state.
Help Save Massage Regulation Now
SB 137 must be signed by Governor Ivey to ensure Alabama retains its massage regulatory board. The bill is sitting on the governor’s desk. Without a signature before the end of the week, the bill will die along with massage regulation.
ABMP is in favor of SB 137 and has supported this bill as it made its way through the legislature. If you believe in preserving massage therapy regulation in Alabama, call 334-242-7100 and leave a message encouraging Governor Ivey to sign SB 137.
Massage therapy regulation is the best avenue to meet the needs of the public and the massage profession. Fair licensing rules increase public safety and minimize undue regulatory responsibilities on practitioners. Uniform state regulation is superior to conflicting local regulations. Act now and advocate for yourself and your fellow practitioners!