Update: October 6, 2023
In September, the rules were adopted as proposed below and will become effective October 30, 2023.
On July 20, you have the chance to advocate for yourself and your fellow massage therapists. The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy (Board) issued a proposed rule that would require the Board to clearly list convictions of concern—all 316 of them—that may disqualify an individual from receiving a license.
The proposed rule includes an extensive list of crimes that may prohibit an applicant from obtaining a massage therapy license in Indiana. The convictions of concern range in nature from Chinese throwing stars to rioting, but primarily focus on crimes involving sexual acts, crimes of violence, exploitation/trafficking, and practicing without a license. View the 316 convictions of concern here.
It’s important to note that an applicant for licensure who has a conviction of concern may still be granted a license. The rule would develop a procedure for an individual to receive a pre-application determination—this is an opportunity for the Board to evaluate information such as the seriousness of the crime, how much time has passed since the crime was committed, and rehabilitation efforts. A pre-application determination could be requested by an individual at any time and would cost $25.
Your opinion and experience as a licensed massage therapist are important for the Board to consider. ABMP encourages you to elevate your voice and attend the public hearing on July 20 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Do you agree with incorporating all 316 conventions of concern into the current massage therapy regulations? Should convictions of concern be related only to the practice of massage therapy? Share your thoughts with the Board during the hearing at the following address:
Indiana Government Center South
402 West Washington Street, Room W064
Indianapolis, IN, 46204