The Maine Legislature is considering LD1036/SP342, which would require the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to "study and develop recommended legislation" to deregulate a number of professions, including massage therapy and aesthetics. ABMP and ASCP are opposed to this effort. The proposal is set for hearing on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 2:30 PM, in the Cross Building, 111 Sewall St., Augusta, Maine, Room 208 in the Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Legislative Committee. Click here to read the formal opposition letter that ABMP/ASCP has submitted to the members of the committee and the sponsors of the proposal. We urge you to contact your legislators and ask them to vote NO on this proposal. The priority legislators to contact are: Committee Chair - Senator Amy Volk (R) - Amy.Volk@legislature.maine.gov - co-sponsor - Cumberland Representative Dillon Bates (D) - Dillon.Bates@legislature.maine.gov - co-sponsor-Westbrook (the swing vote on the committee) Senator Brakey – Prime Sponsor (R) - 287-1505 or 406-0897, sen.eric.brakey@gmail.com - Auburn Otherwise, we suggest you contact as many legislators listed below as you can, especially legislators that represent your district. Here is the relevant contact information: Committee Chair - Senator Amy Volk (R) - Amy.Volk@legislature.maine.gov - co-sponsor - Cumberland Senator Shenna Bellows (D)- Shenna.Bellows@Legislature.Maine.gov - Kennebec Senator Brian Langley (R)- 207-667-0625, Brian.Langley@legislature.maine.gov – co-sponsor - Hancock Representative Ryan Fecteau (D) - Ryan.Fecteau@legislature.maine.gov - Biddeford Representative Susan Austin (R) - 207-657-4100, Sue.Austin@legislature.maine.gov – co-sponsor - Gray Representative Dillon Bates (D) - Dillon.Bates@legislature.maine.gov – Westbrook Co sponsor Representative Michelle Dunphy (D) - 207-827-8989, Michelle.Dunphy@legislature.maine.gov – Old Town Representative James Handy (D) - 207-784-5595 James.Handy@Legislature.Maine.gov - Lewiston Representative Lawrence Lockman (R) - Lawrence.Lockman@legislature.maine.gov – co-sponsor - Amherst Representative Anne-Marie Mastraccio (D) - Anne-Marie.Mastraccio@legislature.maine.gov - Sanford Representative Joel Stetkis (R) - Joel.Stetkis@legislature.maine.gov – co-sponsor - Canaan Representative Michael Sylvester (D) - Michael.Sylvester@Legislature.Maine.gov – Portland/Peaks Island Representative Karen Vachon – (R) - Karen.Vachon@legislature.maine.gov – co-sponsor – Scarborough
Please "cc" the following staff on all emails: Committee Clerk: Diane Steward – Diane.Steward@legislature.maine.gov on all emails. Office of Fiscal and Program Review (OFPR) & Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (OPLA) Analysts : OFPR Analyst – Rachel Tremblay - Rachel.Tremblay@legislature.maine.gov OPLA Analyst – Henry Founts - Henry.Fouts@legislature.maine.gov OFPR Analyst – Janet Stocco - Janet.Stocco@Legislature.Maine.gov
Talking Points: Please let the legislators know that you are a constituent and a practicing massage or aesthetician professional. Feel free to express your opinions about this deregulation proposal in your own words. However, here are some suggested talking points should you wish to incorporate them:
We will keep you apprised of the status of this proposal.