HF 2747, sponsored by Representative Simon, was signed into law by Governor Pawlenty. The bill modifies the current complementary and alternative health care practices act (CAM law) by striking the definition of “former client.” ABMP was supportive of the bill. Below is the effected section.
(d) Engaging in sexual contact with a complementary and alternative health care
client or former client, engaging in contact that may be reasonably interpreted by a client as sexual, engaging in any verbal behavior that is seductive or sexually demeaning to the patient client, or engaging in sexual exploitation of a client or former client. For purposes of this paragraph, "former client" means a person who has obtained services from the unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner within the past two years.
Read the entire bill.
Read the entire CAM law.
In other news:
A bill seeking the state licensure of massage therapists is being considered and discussed in Minnesota. ABMP recently e-mailed a survey to gauge our members’ experiences and needs in order to represent them most effectively as we evaluate or initiate legislative activity.
The Alliance for Licensing Massage Therapists (ALMT) has been created and all massage and bodywork therapists are welcome and encouraged to register and have a voice in the process if and when a bill is developed. The ALMT has set up a website with information regarding proposed bill content, how to become involved or just keep up to date, including online registration for the Alliance. ABMP will be participating and providing updates to members as well. The ALMT website is: http://almt.synthasite.com.
The ALMT is interested in your input during the drafting process of the bill. They have planned to address different elements of the bill on a weekly basis. This may add up to an hour a week or so commitment reading examples of language in laws existing in other states and providing feedback by email. If you are interested in participating, register as a supporter on the ALMT website or contact Jean Robinson at jean@abmp.com.