After consultation in Sacramento with ABMP’s government relations representatives and with key legislators and staff, we intend to participate in a renewed effort in 2008 at securing statewide massage regulation. The motive: problems with inconsistent, burdensome local regulation are not going away; if anything, they are worsening.
Discussions have been held in September and October with Senate and Assembly leadership offices, both Business and Professions Committees, the Assembly Appropriations Committee (where the massage bill got stuck in 2007), the Department of Consumer Affairs, and the Governor’s office. We are close to sending to the Legislative Council office a modestly tweaked “daughter of SB 731” bill draft. (The 2008 bill will be assigned a new number.) The changes do not materially change legislation substance, but do respond to inputs from certain committees and government agencies desiring language additions or deletions. We also anticipate having at least one additional author on the bill; expanded legislative leadership is almost always helpful.
As you all realize after our experiences in 2005-2007, there are no guarantees when it comes to moving a bill through the legislature. Central to our decision to try again, however, is feedback that suggests, because of support for a voluntary massage certification bill already expressed by several committees and the full Senate, we may be able to advance a new bill through at a somewhat faster pace in 2008.
I remain aware that there is not unanimity of opinion among ABMP California members on the merits of any statewide regulation of massage and bodywork, but a substantial majority of you is supporting such a change. I ask for supporters’ help in the months ahead if it turns out that your particular elected representative happens to be an important “swing vote” and we contact you asking you to send a communication to that official.
Bob Benson
ABMP Chairman