New Jersey is prohibiting publishing personal information to protect the privacy of professional license holders. On July 17, the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs (Division) announced that certain personal information may be obscured from some professional licenses. Any person licensed to perform massage and bodywork therapies, cosmetology, hairstyling, barbering, manicuring, skin care, hair braiding, or electrology may block out their home address if it appears on their license.
The Division requires licensees of the Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy and the State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling to display their license in their place of business or to show their license upon request. The intent is to demonstrate their active licensure status to the public. However, licensees who have their home address on their license can now request a redaction to protect their personal information.
This waiver applies to qualified licensees protected under “Daniel's Law,” a law that safeguards the personal information of judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. That law has expanded to include other professionals, including:
- Barbers
- Cosmetologists
- Electrologists
- Hair braiders
- Hairstylists
- Manicurists
- Massage and bodywork therapists
- Skin care specialists
The professionals mentioned above can obscure their home address as it appears on their license, but all other information on their license must remain unobscured. If you have questions about how to redact your home address, contact your licensing board at MassageTherapy@dca.lps.state.nj.us.