Ohio Adopts Interstate Massage Compact

A massage multistate license is almost here, and Ohio just brought us one step closer! ABMP is excited to announce that the Ohio legislature adopted Senate Bill 56 (SB 56), the Interstate Massage Compact (IMpact), on June 21. You may remember the goal of the IMpact is to simplify interstate massage practice and regulation by reducing holdups and delays that often occur when moving to a different state.

Now that Ohio has enacted the IMpact—joining Nevada—five more states need to pass the bill language before massage therapists can get a multistate license. This multistate license will make it easier for practitioners to work in other states temporarily. ABMP will let you know once enough states enact the bill so you can start moving from one IMpact-participating state to another. Click here for more info or a refresher about the IMpact.

ABMP was in favor of SB 56, wrote a letter of support to the Ohio legislature, and encouraged ABMP members to contact their local representatives to do the same. We’d like to thank everyone who took time to submit comments. It’s important for lawmakers to hear from people who will be directly impacted by a bill—key stakeholders like you—and we applaud the practitioners who elevated their voices to help pass this legislation. Way to go, industry advocates!
