With one exception, the information posted in November regarding 2008 California legislative plans remains operative. The exception is the timing. That November posting expressed optimism that “we may be able to advance a new bill through at a somewhat faster pace in 2008.” Our desire to pick up the pace has not slackened, but, as is often the case in legislative matters, legislators and legislative committees march to their own rhythms. Current feedback is that we can use the next few months to strengthen support and address opposition, but that under any strategy a massage bill is unlikely to complete necessary steps in the Assembly before August.
That timetable is not appealing. A lot can go awry in the final month of a legislative session, particularly in an election year. As we learned last year, though, what we may want in terms of pace and bill consideration is trumped by the various factors that contribute to committee agendas and priorities. All we can do for now is work to deepen support from leadership in both legislative chambers as well as in the Governor’s office so that, if a bill vehicle is secured, we will have leadership support for helping push it through.
We have essentially completed work on desired bill contents (see results). Minor changes could occur as discussions continue with committees and the Governor’s office.
This timing revision adds to uncertainty as to when we might seek member assistance. A reasonable prediction is that bell is more likely to sound in summer than before then.
Bob Benson
ABMP Chairman