Recent News and Legislative Updates

GA Bill Would Require Posting of Human Trafficking Notices in Massage Establishments

Georgia House Bill 141 was recently introduced in the state legislature. If passed, the bill would require that all establishments that offer massage or bodywork services by a massage therapist must post a notice (1) in the establishment’s restroom and (2) near the establishment’s entrance or in another conspicuous location, which contains specified information about human trafficking and contact information for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.

South Dakota Bill Would Repeal the Regulation of Massage Therapists

House bill 1126 was introduced and referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee where it was passed (11-2) on January 25, 2013. The bill will now be voted on by all members of the state House of Representatives (House) and if passed, will advance to the Senate for the same process. HB 1126 would repeal the Massage Therapy Practice Act (Act) and massage therapists would no longer be regulated in the state.

Oregon Bill Would Require Permit for Operation of Massage Facilities

Oregon Senate Bill 387 was recently introduced in the state legislature. If passed, the bill would require that all “massage facilities,” meaning any “facility where a person engages in the practice of massage,” must obtain a massage facility permit from the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists in order to operate. This requirement would not apply to licensed massage schools or to individual massage therapists working out of their homes.

Colorado Bill Would Require MT’s to Disclose Practice History Information

Colorado Senate Bill 13-026 was recently introduced in the state legislature. If passed, the bill would amend the “Michael Skolnick Medical Transparency Act of 2010” to add massage therapists and others to the list of health care professional who must disclose certain information about their practice history to the state for inclusion in a publicly available database when they are applying for or renewing their registration. We will keep our CO members apprised of the status of the bill.

New CA Law Requires Notices To Be Posted in Massage and Bodywork Establishments which are not CAMTC-Certified

As anticipated, Senate Bill 1193 was signed into law by Governor Brown on September 24, 2012. Under the new law, certain types of businesses in California, including establishments offering massage or bodywork services for compensation, must “conspicuously” post a written human trafficking notice which includes contact information for two human trafficking hotlines.

New Jersey License Applications are Now Available

Applications for New Jersey licensing are now available. This is not voluntary. All massage therapists and those who practice Asian Bodywork must now have a state license in order to practice. We recommend that you begin the license application process as soon you can. The application process is entirely on-line; there are no paper applications available. We also recommend that you have access to a printer so you can print a copy of the receipt, and any other pages for your records.
