
Beware: Scams Targeting ABMP Free Website Users

It has been brought to our attention that some members have received fraudulent invoices for member websites. The invoice claimed to be for yearly web hosting from “Web Host Agents” in New York. Remember, your member website through ABMP is free and always will be—if you ever have a question about an invoice or notice you receive, please contact our membership team at 800-458-2267 or

ISPA Spa Workforce Survey Closing Soon—Your Response Requested

The landmark ISPA Spa Workforce Survey is closing this weekend. This is a unique opportunity to shape the future of the industry and to address the workforce-related issues affecting you.

We are particularly keen to hear the views of service providers (including massage therapists, estheticians, and nail technicians). If you are a spa manager, please make sure to cascade the link to as many of your team as possible.

You as Ambassador

The recent Massage Envy sexual assault incidents reported by BuzzFeed can make for difficult conversations with clients. We’ve received feedback, as well as requests, for further information about how best to proceed in the aftermath of this story. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed with clients. 



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