Latest From ABMP

Hyperpronation: The Hidden Key to Resolving Sciatic Pain

Coaching the Body Institute's logo

A client suffering from sciatic pain comes to see you. Where do you start your assessment? Back when I started out as a therapist, I would’ve focused strictly on the hips and low back. But after 15 years of clinical observation, one thing has become abundantly clear: sciatic and knee pain often start where the feet meet the ground.

Including People of Color in Pathology Images

An African-American woman's back facing the camera

You probably have seen pictures of COVID toe. Have you seen it on Black or Brown toes—even though those populations are disproportionately affected by the infection? Among about a gazillion other things, 2020 has shone a stronger-than-previous spotlight on systemic racism in the United States, and how inherently biased approaches to many aspects of life in our culture favor white people—whether they know it or not.

Massage Educator Spotlight: Upledger Institute International

A woman lying on her back receiving craniosacral therapy

Upledger Institute International offers classes in more than 50 countries, and now has more than 125,000 alumni. In this blog post, we speak to the Upledger Institute about CranioSacral Therapy and the institute's educational programs.

Massage Employer Spotlight: Elements Massage

Eric Stephenson, Chief Wellness Officer at Elements Massage, talks about what the company is doing in the COVID-era to protect the safety of therapists and clients, and how Elements helps support therapists' self-care.

Education Spotlight: Coaching the Body

The Coaching the Body (CTB) Institute offers a new free web class for ABMP members. To find out how the CTB Institute can help ABMP members treat chronic pain conditions, we spoke to its founder, Chuck Duff.

Education Spotlight: Color Up Therapeutics

Color Up Therapeutics offers a new Cannabis Master Program for massage therapists and bodyworkers. We spoke to the company's founders to see how the company got its start and what sets its products and training courses apart from other providers. 

Animal Massage During the Coronavirus Pandemic

One segment of the massage therapy field was uniquely impacted by the global pandemic, and in some aspects this segment may have even gotten an unforeseen boost from our altered reality. That segment is the lesser known but ever-growing market for animal massage.

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