Recent News and Legislative Updates

Back Massage Improves Conditions in Family Caregivers

In a randomized controlled trial, 15-minute daily back massages for one week performed on 44 family caregivers of patients with cancer resulted in improved blood pressure, cortisol level, heart rate, sleep quality, and state anxiety in the caregivers.

The study concluded that oncology nurses can take advantage of back massage—a non-pharmacologic and easily implemented method—as an independent nursing action to support caregivers for patients with cancer.

Read the abstract here.

Vermont OPR Declines to Recommend Massage Licensing

Vermont is one of five states in the United States that currently does not have state licensing or other state regulation of massage therapists. In June 2015, ABMP and the Vermont Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association submitted a Sunrise Application to the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation (OPR). Vermont law requires that prior to a review by the state legislature of any bill to regulate a profession or occupation, the OPR must prepare for the legislature a written assessment of the particular regulatory proposal.

Vermont OPR Sunrise Assessment

As we’ve discussed in previous emails, Vermont is one of five states in the US that currently does not have state licensing or other state regulation of massage therapists. In June of 2015 ABMP and the Vermont Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association submitted a Sunrise Application to the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation (OPR).

Mindfulness Training More Effective for Postpartum Depression than Conventional Treatment Methods

A new study led by University of Colorado Boulder researchers found pregnant and postpartum women at risk of depression are less likely to suffer depression when they meditate or get in a yoga pose than when they are treated with psychotherapy and antidepressants.

The study focused on pregnant women with histories of depression. Forty-three subjects were randomized to a group that underwent mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and 43 subjects were assigned to a conventional treatment group.

New Study Suggests Effectiveness of Reiki for Pain Reduction

In a pilot study aimed to determine the impact of reiki therapy on the pain perception of patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA), reiki was shown to have a statistically significant effect on pain reduction.

The study sample included 43 patients undergoing TKA. All subjects had unilateral TKA at the same hospital and were randomized into reiki and non-reiki groups. Pain was assessed before and after reiki therapy using a numeric rating scale.

Indiana Licensure Bill

Indiana SB 337

Indiana SB 337, recently introduced in the state legislature, proposes a mandatory licensure system for massage therapists in Indiana. SB 337 also proposes to require that all massage therapy instruction obtain Board approval.  Mandatory licensure bills have been introduced in several legislative sessions in the past and they have never succeeded.  We will keep you updated on the status of the bill.

New Oregon CE Rules

Changes to Oregon Continuing Education Rules

The Oregon Board of Massage Therapists recently adopted changes to the state’s continuing education (CE) rules.  These changes go into effect on July 1, 2016. All licensees renewing their licenses on or after July 1, 2016, must have fulfilled these CE requirements when they renew, unless they are renewing their license for the first time. 

American Holistic Health Association Launches New Website

The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) has a new website that makes it easier to access the incredible offering of wellness resources they’ve compiled over the past 26 years.

Among the features of the new site is an improved keyword search tool that gives users a variety of ways to search and explore AHHA’s huge collection of health and wellness content.

Check out the new site here.
