
Three wildly successful women in the massage industry speak about their massage journey, how they found inspiration through touch, and why curiosity inspired them all to branch out in deeper, unique directions. Join Kristin Coverly, Allison Denney, and Angie Parris-Raney as they discuss how massage therapy became a vehicle through which they have expanded both their professional and personal lives.
Rebel Massage Therapy: www.rebelmassage.com
Project Inti: www.projectinti.org

Anatomy Trains is a global leader in online anatomy education and also provides in-classroom certification programs for structural integration in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, and China, as well as fresh-tissue cadaver dissection labs and weekend courses. The work of Anatomy Trains originated with founder Tom Myers, who mapped the human body into 13 myofascial meridians in his original book, currently in its fourth edition and translated into 12 languages. The principles of Anatomy Trains are used by osteopaths, physical therapists, bodyworkers, massage therapists, personal trainers, yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics, and other body-minded manual therapists and movement professionals. Anatomy Trains inspires these practitioners to work with holistic anatomy in treating system-wide patterns to provide improved client outcomes in terms of structure and function.
Website: anatomytrains.com
Email: info@anatomytrains.com
Facebook: facebook.com/AnatomyTrains
Instagram: www.instagram.com/anatomytrainsofficial
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2g6TOEFrX4b-CigknssKHA
Fascia Research Society (FRS) was established as a membership organization to facilitate, encourage, and support the dialogue and collaboration between clinicians, researchers, and academicians, in order to further our understanding of the properties and functions of fascia.
Every three years, FRS hosts the International Fascia Research Congress (IFRC).
Beginning in 2007 with the first IFRC, and triennially since, the IFRC has been the premier fascia congress in the world. No other fascia congress brings together the very latest in fascial discovery and the diversity of the leaders in fascia. Registration closes August 31, 2022—don’t miss out!
For more information on FRS, or to register for the 2022 IFRC, please visit us at www.fasciaresearchsociety.org.
Questions about either FRS or IFRC? Email us at info@fasciaresearchsociety.org.