
In the restaurant world, the back of the house is a noisy, chaotic mess. The back of the knee isn’t much different. With a lot of elements clamoring to keep things moving, it’s no wonder things can get sticky and dysfunctional. In this episode of The Rebel MT, Allison breaks down how understanding the frantic mayhem is fundamental to your role as a “fixer.”

Rebel Massage Therapist: http://www.rebelmassage.com
AnatomySCAPES: www.anatomyscapes.com
Rebel Massage Therapist:
My name is Allison. And I am not your typical massage therapist. After 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I have learned that massage therapy is SO MUCH more than a relaxing experience at a spa. I see soft tissue as more than merely a physical element but a deeply complex, neurologically driven part of who you are. I use this knowledge to work WITH you—not ON you—to create change that works. This is the basis of my approach. As a massage therapist, I have worked in almost every capacity, including massage clinics, physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices, spas, private practice, and teaching. I have learned incredible techniques and strategies from each of my experiences. In my 20 years as a massage therapist, I have never stopped growing. I currently have a private practice based out of Long Beach, California, where I also teach continuing education classes and occasionally work on my kids. If they’re good.
website: www.rebelmassage.com
IG: instagram.com/rebelmassagetherapist
YouTube: youtube.com/c/RebelMassage
email: rebelmassagetherapist@gmail.com
AnatomySCAPES - created by & for hands-on professionals.
As hands-on health professionals, we want more than labeled charts of muscles, nerves, and bones. We crave anatomy education that informs our touch. AnatomySCAPES’ innovative online trainings are bringing vibrant, visual, real anatomy understanding to therapists with the Anatomy LOVERS eBox! Each month, you receive an image-packed, research-loaded mini-course including:
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Anatomy BRIEF Video that takes you into the dissection lab to see how anatomy LOOKS, FEELS, MOVES, and RELATES to its surroundings.
Really visual, really relevant, REAL anatomy education for hands-on professionals. Go to anatomyscapes.com/ABMP and become an Anatomy LOVERS eBox subscriber today!
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