Join us Thursday, July 27, for an exciting live Q&A event with Dr. Joi Edwards!
This 60-minute event starts at 3 p.m. PDT | 4 p.m. MDT | 5 p.m. CDT | 6 p.m. EDT.
ABMP recently added a three-course orthopedic cupping series from Dr. Joi Edwards to the ABMP Education Center. We invite you to view the courses, earn free CE, and then join us to interact with Dr. Joi and ask questions about cupping and more!
Orthopedic Cupping Series
Part 1—Cupping 101 | 1.5 CE hours
Part 2—Upper-Extremity Conditions | 1 CE hour
Part 3—Lower-Extremity Conditions | 1 CE hour
These courses and CE are always free to ABMP members and—for the month of July—we’re extending free course access and CE to nonmembers as well!
Visit the ABMP Education Center to view the courses and earn free CE.
Nonmember free course access for these three courses is valid July 1—31, 2023.
No CE credit will be earned by attending the Live Q&A event.
Already have a question for Dr. Joi? Send your Live Q&A questions in advance to
very excitedÂ