Recent News and Legislative Updates

Local Massage Regulation in Iowa

The Iowa Supreme Court  issued a recent opinion establishing that, under Iowa law, the unlicensed practice of massage does not rise to the level of a criminal misdemeanor. As a result, there have been increased efforts by many cities and towns in Iowa to enact local ordinances directed at massage therapy which may impact your practice. 

Massage Establishment Licensing Under Consideration in SC

The South Carolina Massage/Bodywork Panel will be discussing the topic of massage establishment licensing at its regular meeting on August 10, from 9am-5pm, at Synergy Business Park, Kingstree Building, Conference Room 105, 110 Centerview Drive, Columbia, SC 29210. The state is considering legislation which would require that massage establishments hold a state license, in addition to the state licensure of individual therapists. Many states across the country either have enacted establishment licensure or are considering it, in an attempt to combat human trafficking.

Update on Bodywork Licensing Bill in Massachusetts


Last July we posted  information about two bodywork licensing bills introduced in the Massachusetts Senate. The bills have been proceeding through the legislative process with numerous amendments, and there is now only one bill, MA SB 2621, which has passed in the Senate and is now before the House. If passed, the bill will require that "bodyworkers" in Massachusetts obtain a bodywork license in order to practice, and would also require licensure of bodywork schools. The bill provides the following definitions:

July 30 Special Public Meeting on Proposed Massage Establishment Permit Requirement

The Maryland State Board of Massage Therapy Examiners has announced that a Public Forum regarding the proposal for a "Massage Therapy Business Establishment Permit" law for the State of Maryland will be held on Monday, July 30, 2018. The purpose of the Public Forum is to share the Board's potential upcoming legislative efforts to require that Maryland massage therapy business establishment owners obtain a state permit in order to provide massage therapy services.

Update on Proposed Fee Increases for PA Massage Therapists

As we discussed in our last update, the Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy is proposing new regulations which would increase the application fee for initial massage therapy licensure from $65 to $100, the fee for approval of a continuing education program from $65 to $100, and the biennial renewal fee from $75 to $200. 

The Board's explanation for the proposed fee increase, as stated in the Regulatory Analysis Form, is as follows;

Proposed Revised Massage Rules in WA

The following information was emailed to our Washington State members on July 5:

The Washington Department of Health in conjunction with the Board of Massage is considering revisions to the state massage therapy rules. The revisions would increase the required educational hours for massage licensure from 500 to 625, and would also make changes to the continuing education rules and the rules regarding breast massage. Click below to review the proposed rules:

Draft WAC 246-830-430 Training 

Draft WAC 246-830-475 Continuing education 

Proposed Fee Increases for PA Massage Therapists

The Pennsylvania Board of Massage Therapy is proposing new regulations which would increase the application fee for initial massage therapy licensure from $65 to $100, the fee for approval of a continuing education program from $65 to $100, and the biennial renewal fee from $75 to $200. Click here to read the proposed regulations. 

The Board is inviting the public to submit written comments on the proposal. Please submit your comments to:

North Carolina MTs Must Pay Privilege License Tax Starting July 1, 2018

North Carolina Massage and Bodywork Therapists must start paying a "Privilege License Tax" beginning July 1, 2018. This tax is $50 and is to be paid annually for license for the "privilege of practicing the profession." Here is a copy of the revised law that specifically includes massage and bodywork therapists (scroll down to 105-41):

Proposed Changes to Ohio Massage Rules

The State of Ohio has proposed changes to the state's massage therapy rules which would allow massage therapists to apply ultrasound, diathermy, electrical neuromuscular stimulation, or substantially similar modalities provided that such treatment is under the direction or supervision of a licensed physician, podiatric physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, or physical therapist acting within the scope of his or her professional license.
