Recent News and Legislative Updates

Participate in the Development of Indiana’s Massage Rules

The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy is drafting rules to fill in the details of the state’s new massage therapy licensing law, which changes Indiana’s system from voluntary certification to mandatory licensure. Nothing will change until 183 days after the Board issues the new rules, which will not be for quite a while. Once the rules do go into effect, all existing certifications will be “rolled over” into licenses.

625 Hours Required for License in MI if Enrolled after Aug. 1, 2017

Under Michigan HB 5001, 625 hours of massage education are now required for licensure in Michigan if the license applicant enrolled in school after August 1, 2017. Only 500 hours are required if the license applicant enrolled in school before August 1, 2017.

This change does not affect current licensees who renew their licenses on time.

Apply For a Seat on the Texas Massage Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has announced nine vacancies on the Massage Therapy Advisory Board (Board). The purpose of the Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) and TDLR on technical matters relevant to the administration of the Texas massage therapy licensing law. We encourage you to contribute to the massage therapy profession by applying for a seat on the Board.
