Recent News and Legislative Updates

Update on Proposed NC Massage Establishment and CE Rules

The public hearing on the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy's proposed rules concerning massage establishments and continuing education was held on April 19. Over 200 people attended the hearing, and the majority of attendees spoke on the record about the impact that the proposed rules would have on them and their businesses. It was an impressive turnout and an energetic showing of our profession's grassroots involvement in policy issues. We thank all of you who attended and who continue to be involved in the process.

May 4 Deadline to Comment on Public Health Rules for Massage Establishments

This is a reminder that the deadline to submit comments on the proposed Public Health Rules for Delaware massage therapy establishments is Friday, May 4, 2018. ABMP is submitting a formal written opposition to the rules, many of which impose onerous and unworkable requirements on massage therapy businesses. Click here to read the proposed Public Health rules.

Please submit your comments on the proposed rules to: 

Delaware Massage Establishment Applications Now Available – Deadline to Apply is June 1, 2018 and Opportunity to Comment on Public Health Rules for Establishments

Applications for the new Delaware massage establishment license are now available on the Forms page of the Delaware Board of Massage and Bodywork's website. The deadline for massage businesses to apply for a massage establishment license is June 1, 2018. There is no fee for this license.


April 30, 2018 Meeting Regarding Massage Regulation in California

The California State Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development is holding an information hearing, Update on Regulation of Massage Therapy in California: Business Oversight and Best Practices, on Monday, April 30, 2018, at 12:00 p.m. in Room 3191 of the State Capitol. (Please note the date change from the original announcement.) ABMP will be in attendance at the hearing and will be submitting written comments. There will be Public Comment at one to two minutes per individual if you would like to talk.

New Delaware Massage Establishment Regulations 

The Delaware Board of Massage and Bodywork (Board) has finalized the regulations implementing the state's new massage establishment license law. The law and regulations require that massage and bodywork businesses obtain an establishment license in addition to any state or locally required business license, and in addition to the state massage therapist license that must be held by each individual massage therapist. ABMP actively worked with the Board to help shape the regulations and voice our concerns during the regulatory process.
