Recent News and Legislative Updates

Michigan License Renewal Information

Michigan massage licenses must be renewed every 3 years, by October 31. Your license expiration date is stated on your license.  Also, you should receive a postcard from the state approximately 3 months before your expiration date reminding you to renew and providing the website which you must go to in order to renew online, which is (click on “Massage Therapy”). The renewal fee is $225. 

Previously Announced 2015 Changes to Georgia CE

In August and October of 2015 we notified all of our Georgia members via email about changes to Georgia's continuing education rules.  The text of those message is below, for your reference.  Again, these changes were made in 2015 and the information was emailed to members then.  These are not new 2016 changes.  

8/3/2015 Email: "Contact the Georgia Board Now to Voice Yor Opinion on Proposed New CE Rules"

Oklahoma Will Start Accepting Massage License Applications on August 26

Under Oklahoma’s new massage therapy law, every massage therapist must hold a state-issued massage therapy license by May 1, 2017 in order to practice after that date. If you do not have a license by May 1, 2017, you will not be able to legally practice in Oklahoma until you get your license. We had expected that the Cosmetology Board would issue regulations filling in the details of the new massage law prior to making license applications available, but the Board has instead issued application forms before issuing regulations.

Kansas Licensing Bills Failed in 2016 Session

Two Kansas bills which proposed a state licensing requirement for massage therapists, SB 40 and HB 2123, carried over from the 2015 legislative session into the 2016 legislative session. Both bills failed in the 2016 legislative session, and there is no carryover into next year’s legislative session. We will keep you apprised of any future bills addressing the issue of state licensure in Kansas.  
